Minnesota Chapter of IASIU Scholarships

Each year, the Minnesota Chapter of IASIU offers two types of scholarship opportunities.  Applications will be e-mailed to all MN IASIU members.                                                                                                                                  

MN IASIU Police Science Discipline Scholarship:

The purpose of this scholarship opportunity is to assist the applicants with expenses involved with obtaining a degree and/or successfully completing a course in a police science discipline. The Minnesota Chapter of IASIU may award up to two (2) $500 scholarships per calendar year for this scholarship opportunity.

This scholarship is intended for the upcoming year at a respective college, university, technical school, etc., and is not intended to reimburse an individual for prior attendance or attendance of a seminar, conference, on-line or self-study course.

If an applicant is awarded a scholarship, and for some reason cannot attend the college or course, the scholarship must be returned prior to November 30th of the year it was awarded.

Guidelines for the MN IASIU Police Science Discipline Scholarships are as follows:         

  • The applicant must be a member in good standing of MN IASIU or must be recommended and sponsored by a member in good standing of MN IASIU.
  • The applicant must be applying for assistance in taking either a course or pursuing a degree in police sciences from an accredited technical school, community college or four-year university. Self-study courses and seminars do not qualify for a scholarship award.
  • Scholarship applications must be received or post marked no later than August 31st each year for consideration. Applications received after August 31st, will not be considered.
  • The applicant must include a certified transcript from their technical school, college or university; and a copy of their current schedule or upcoming semester/quarter schedule showing they are currently enrolled or scheduled to participate in a police science course/program.
  • The applicant must complete a narrative describing how the scholarship award will be used, how the course of study/class relates to your job that you plan to pursue, career goals and any other comments the applicant deems warranted.

 Application Process for Scholarship Opportunities:

The deadline for applications is August 31st of each year.

The award committee will meet within one week after the August 31st deadline to review applications and select an individual(s) who meet the guidelines for that specific award.

Majority approval of the committee members present at the designated award meeting is required for the initial selection of the potential candidate(s).  The award committee will submit the recommended recipients to the MN IASIU Board at the September meeting.

Upon Board approval, the award chairperson will notify all applicants in writing of the scholarship decision.         

Regardless of the scholarship award submission, all guidelines must be met. Please mail in applications with certified transcripts and class schedule to the address below.  If you have any questions regarding the application process, please contact the Scholarship Chairperson:

 Link to applications here:  https://www.mniasiu.com/scholarship-forms

 Applications and questions should be submitted to:

Kyle Dretsch, CPCU, CFE, CFI, FCLA, AINS I Lead Investigator I Travelers Investigative Services


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