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MNIASU Membership Application Form

Submit application with $25.00 annual dues. No fees for those qualified for Associate Membership.


"Regular" membership shall include only insurance or self-insured company employees primarily engaged in the investigation and/or supervision of insurance fraud and Special Agents or Supervisory Special Agents of the National Insurance Crime Bureau or ICPB.


"Associate" membership shall include any individual or representative of an insurance company or government agency, who is involved, or provides special expertise or services for the investigation of insurance fraud, who is endorsed in writing by a "regular" member and is not less than 18 years of age.
"Associate" membership also shall include a local, state or federal law enforcement officer or prosecutor who is involved in, or provides special expertise or services for the investigation and/or prosecution of insurance fraud crime.
*Note Sworn law enforcement and fire personnel are eligible for associate chapter membership without being members of the International Association of Special Investigation Units. If they wish to join the International Association, they may do so, at the normal International membership fee.

LEGAL ADVOCATE (Article II, Section 1 IASIU Constitution)

"Legal Advocate membership shall include any person licensed to practic law in the state where membership is being sought and who certifies that providing legal counsel and representation to insurers in defense of insurance claims constitutes a majority of their practice; and further certifies that they do not engage in plaintiff advocacy against insurers except on behalf of other insurers in subrogation actions"